HOULTON, Maine — The Houlton Town Council bid a fond farewell to one of its own Monday evening as councilor Paul Romanelli attended his final meeting. Romanelli’s term is expiring and he is unable to seek re-election due to term limits.
Romanelli and John Fitzpatrick, whose term is also expiring but is seeking re-election, were both presented with gifts from the town. Romanelli served on the town council from 1995-2001 and again from 2004-10.
“This is a great example of public service,” Houlton Town Manager Doug Hazlett said of Romanelli’s career in town government. “This town can not run without people volunteering for committees and boards and running for council. In many ways it’s a thankless job. It takes a lot of dedication and you have done so superbly.”
“It’s tough for me to leave,” Romanelli said. “I have enjoyed my time tremendously. I’d like to thank the town manager. I think he’s the only one I served with that actually ‘got it.’ He’s put economic development front and center. I think the council has the best interests of the town at heart. No councilor can affect change on his own. We all work in unison.”
The remaining councilors gave their well wishes to Romanelli and Fitzpatrick. Councilor Sue Tortello read a humorous poem she wrote for Romanelli, which focused on his “love” of pigeons.
Carl Lord Jr. and Phil Bernaiche, members of the public who were in attendance for Monday night’s meeting, also sang the praises of Romanelli.
“Doc, it was a privilege to serve with you on the council for three years,” Lord said. “As a taxpayer, I believe you have the taxpayers at heart and you will be greatly missed.”
Bernaiche echoed those sentiments.
“As a [former] councilor, I would have to say you are the finest man I ever had the chance to sit beside,” he said. “If we could have a few more like you, this town would be in much better shape. You are a fine example of a good citizen serving our government.”
In other action, councilors also unanimously authorized the use of $10,066 from the town’s Public Safety TIF reserves fund for the purchase of a refurbished Physio Control Lifepak 12 for the Ambulance Department.
According to Hazlett, the equipment is needed for the town’s third ambulance in order to pass state certification. A new unit would have cost upwards of $25,000.
“This is a perfect example of why we created the TIF account in the first place,” councilor Tortello said.
In other agenda items, the council:
• Approved waiving foreclosure on several properties, most of which were buildings located on leased land. According to Hazlett, the town is not waiving collection of past due taxes. In some of the cases, a payment plan has already been established, while others will be pursued in small claims court.
• Accepted a donation of $1,000 from the Houlton Rotary Club to be used for the Riverfront Park. The funds will be added to $4,000 received from the Rotary Club earlier to be utilized to pay for the stairway created at Riverfront Park.
The next meeting of the Houlton Town Council will be Monday, Nov. 8 at 6:30 p.m.