The Houlton Regional Hospital has announced the following births.
TINGLEY — A son, Lucas Owen Ryan Tingley, born to Darlene Brown and Gerry Tingley of Houlton, on Oct. 17, 2010.
BITHER — A son, Gabe Allen Bither, born to Rebecca Bither of Houlton, on Oct. 21, 2010.
CLARK — A son, Landyn Daniel Clark, born to Ashley Eastham and Bryan Clark of Houlton, on Oct. 21, 2010.
SUITTER — A daughter, Farrah Elizabeth Suitter, born to Kelsi Suitter of Linneus and Kyle Williams of Monticello, on Oct. 25, 2010.
LONDON — A daughter, Savanah Joy Elizabeth London, born to Erica Lynn London of Smyrna Mills, on Oct. 25, 2010.
MURCHIE — A son, Bentley William Murchie, born to Lacey Malone and Jonathan Murchie of Houlton, on Oct. 22, 2010.
FLEWELLING — A daughter, Allee Marie Flewelling, born to Matthew Flewelling and Lyndsey Lyons of Monticello, on Oct. 13, 2010; joining big brother Brad.
ROBINSON — A daughter, Lillien Sunshine Mae Robinson, born to Kerstien Wilcox and Josh Robinson of Ashland, on Oct. 14, 2010.
MCEWEN — A son, Ian Rodney McEwen, born to Teri Schools and Rodney McEwen of Houlton, on Oct. 15, 2010.
PARKER — A daughter, Sierra Lee Parker, born to Shana Merritt and John Robert Parker of Danforth, on Oct. 16, 2010.
MORLEY — A daughter, Jacquelyn Mae Morley, born to Christopher and Jessica Morley of Houlton, on Dec. 20, 2009; joining big brothers Phillip and William.
MOULTON — A son, Noah Donald Moulton, born to Julie Ann Warble and Justin Scott Moulton of Houlton, on Aug. 12, 2010.
The Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Boston, Mass. announces the following birth.
BLOOD — A son, Riley Andrew Blood, born to Andrew and Melissa Blood of Pembroke, Mass., on Oct. 10, 2010. Grandparents are Rickie and Judy Chin of Rhode Island and Peter and Carol Blood of Houlton.
The Aroostook Medical Center announces the following birth:
DOCKHAM — A boy, Izaiah Curtis Dockham, born on Aug. 6, 2010 to Kerry and David Dockham of Presque Isle. Maternal grandparents are Earl Spooner, Jr. of Amity and Dorila Paradis of Houlton. Paternal grandparents are Shawn and Rose Logue of Houlton.