By Joseph Cyr
Staff Writer
HODGDON — One day before area veterans were to be celebrated, those who served in the military were treated to a breakfast tribute at Hodgdon High School Wednesday morning. About 45 veterans attended the school’s annual Veteran’s Breakfast, sponsored by Jobs for Maine’s Graduates (JMG) program.
While no one at the school can remember exactly how long it as been hosting the Veteran’s Breakfast, or who originally came up with the idea, officials agree that it has been doing so for at least 15 years.
According to Katharine Rose Gergosian, the JMG specialist for Hodgdon High School, the students performed all facets of the event, including soliciting donations from area businesses so that the breakfast can be free of charge to area veterans. The students also set up the gymnasium, cook the food and clean up afterwards. Veterans and family members of veterans are invited to the meal.
Contributed photoAT ATTENTION — Second-graders from Cathy Estabrook’s class recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
“It’s a very touching experience and a wonderful tradition they have created here at Hodgdon High School,” said Clark Rafford, principal at Hodgdon High School and a veteran himself. “It really means a lot to the veterans who come back each year.”
Kent Spaulding, a 14-year member of the U.S. Navy who is now a disabled veteran, was the guest speaker for Wednesday’s breakfast. A resident of Houlton, Spaulding served in the military from 1985-99.
“It’s a very emotional experience,” Spaulding said. “I tried to keep my emotions under control. But I had one veteran explain it to me that if you don’t start getting choked up when speaking in situations like this, then you have forgotten those who have not made it back. My message to the students is freedom is not free. We pay a dear price for it. If you feel the military is a good fit for you, the discipline you learn alone is worth your time serving.”
Spaulding said he was impressed with the turnout and even more impressed by the sincerity of the Hodgdon High School students.
Contributed photoBREAKFAST GATHERING — Those who served in the military, or the relatives, were honored Nov. 10 with a free breakfast and program at Hodgdon High School.
“The slide show that students put together for us was very heart warming,” he added.
This year’s breakfast was especially thought provoking as veterans prepared to gather for the funeral of 1st Lt. James Zimmerman the following day.
Amanda Ryan, the student president of the JMG program, said the program was something the students look forward to every year.
“This is something a lot of kids don’t get a chance to do,” she said. “It’s a really emotional and powerful event.”
Students arrived at 6 a.m. Wednesday to begin setting up for the program. Second-grade students from Mill Pond School also attended the breakfast and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Contributed photoTHANKFUL — Kassidy McKissick, right, a student at Hodgdon High School shakes hands with Lynwood Jameson, one of the many veterans who gathered Nov. 10 for a special breakfast honoring those who served in the military.
“The kids really look forward to this event each year,” Rafford said. “It’s a positive thing and they really enjoy giving something back to the community. This event helps build a link between the students and veterans in our community.”
Contributed photoFLAG PARADE — Soldiers from the Army National Guard present the flags.