McAdam receives 2010 AARP Andrus award

14 years ago

    Jackie McAdam has been selected by AARP, the nonprofit membership organization for people age 50 and older, to receive the 2010 AARP Andrus Award for Community Service, the Association’s most prestigious and visible volunteer award for community service. Named after AARP founder, Ethel Percy Andrus, this award symbolizes an individual’s power and ability to make a difference in the lives of others.
    AARP Maine selected McAdam for her remarkable service and for the impact she’s had on the lives of others and on her community. McAdam is the creator and lifeblood of the Katahdin Area Support Group. For more than 20 years, this group has supported cancer patients and others with serious illnesses in the Katahdin area by providing special medical equipment and other assistance, such as transportation to treatments, free of charge. Each month, McAdam also hosts Love One Another meetings at her home, which provide a supportive environment for survivors to heal through emotional sharing. Another notable endeavor carried out by the group is their “Great Chocolate Escape,” an annual dinner for cancer survivors.
    The AARP Andrus Award for Community Service recognizes members and volunteers who, through volunteer service, are significantly enhancing the lives of individuals age 50 and older. The award will be formally presented to McAdam on Nov. 1 at a noontime luncheon ceremony at the Millinocket Baptist Church.
    Recipients across the nation were chosen for their ability to enhance the lives of AARP members and prospective members, improve the community in or for which the work was performed, and inspire others to volunteer.