Community Notebook

14 years ago

Council of Catholic Women
The Houlton Council of Catholic Women met in the parish center on Sunday, following the last Eucharist of the day, Jan. 2. Deacon Albert Burleigh attended as well as Erica Sloat, granddaughter of Helena Lilley.
Co-president Mary Grant led us in traditional prayers and thanked the February committee, who prepared the luncheon. January committee swapped months with February. Special thanks went to Molly Bailey, Alta Reardon and Bernette Roach, who came forward to offer assistance.
    Reports were given by the treasurer, Bernette Roach, secretary Jane Stile and Lois Downing read correspondence.
Margaret Casey and daughter sorted the Giving Tree items and Deacon Al and members of the Knights of Columbus helped bring them downstairs. Several donations for the tree were acknowledged.
Joyce Hughes donated several dolls, cradles and accessories. Jane Stile distributed these nice items. Many positive comments were received about the Giving Tree.
The Pizza Hut fundraiser date is Monday, Jan. 24 from 4 – 8 p.m. If you can work at that time, please let Betty Ann Childers know.
The state will sponsor three meetings, April, July and October. These will be called gatherings and more spiritually minded.
Next month’s meeting in February is our Valentine bag project to the shut-ins. More fruit will be packed and less candy.
Sheets for volunteer hours (to be filled out) were distributed.
Alta Reardon and Jane Stile had a display of canvas bags from the gift shop to be sold at $3 each.
Parish Life Commission is sponsoring a senior luncheon on Jan. 23, in the parish center, featuring a speaker on health issues. March 19 is the date for a concert with Tatiana. Some had seen a preview during Christmas season.
Janet Barker sent thanks for those who sent food items for the bake sale, supporting the Religious Education Classes.
Deacon Al shared a story about sharing and how everything works together for the good of everyone.
Birthdays and anniversaries were acknowledged. Lois Downing won the door prize.
We had our luncheon before the meeting and closed with many prayer intentions.
The next meeting will be Sunday, Feb. 6, after 11 a.m. Mass.

Sherman Seniors meet
The Sherman Senior Citizens Club met at the Sherman gym for a pot luck lunch at 11:30 a.m., Wednesday, Jan 5.
Happy New Year 2011!!
Nine members attended and played bingo after the meal. Present were: Fred and Annie Atkinson, Bonita Staples, Donna Grass, Eva Perry, Linniea Perry, Esther Greenier, Sandra Qualay and Mary Lawler.
Our next meeting will be Jan. 19, y’all come!

TOPS 0233 Houlton
By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 0233 of Houlton, met at the Aldergate building on High St. on Friday, Jan. 7.
Twenty-two ladies attended and weighed. Seven of these were KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly). We recited Love ‘n Tops verse and had roll call. Melva Folsom was loser of the week with Joyce Estey as runner-up. Janette Nelson gave a monthly report. The skinny dish was held over.
Ardella Bennett was welcomed back after months of absence. Dale Holden gave a report on our contest. Members were responsible for moving their numbers up or down the mountain. Barbara Grant led us in several minutes of exercise.
The program was given by leader Joyce Estey, on inspiration. After questions from the speaker, many took part. She ended with a quote from Bernard Shaw.
Linda Bartlett will present next week’s program.
Weigh-in is every Friday at 8 – 8:45 a.m. The meeting begins at 9 and ends one hour later. Everyone is welcome.
TOPS also met Dec. 30.    Diane Folsom was welcomed as a new member and 10 TOPS and five KOPS were present, with Joyce Estey, leader.
We had roll call and repeated Love ‘n Tops. Janette Nelson was loser of the week and Charlotte Marley was runner-up. Janette won the skinny dish presented by Betty Ivey. Two charms were presented to Gerry McAfee, by charm lady Melva Folsom.
Linda Bartlett led us in several minutes of exercises. Linda reported she had several copies of The Choice is Mine, if anyone wants to purchase one. To end the yearly program, we had a rededication ceremony, led by Joyce with everybody participating.
If you need more information about the chapter, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653.

Friends and Needles
Friends, neighbors and guests gathered in the dining room at Pine Grove Terrace on Dec. 11 for our Christmas party.
Refreshments were served and gifts were exchanged.
Joyce Hayes gave the blessing.
Attending were: Roger Eisler, Shirley Smith, Kathy Dube, Larry Dube, Patsy Splan, Heroie Splan, Joyce Manship, Vera Rockwell, Marian McKee, Barb White, Carolyn Crandall, Sharlene Gagnon, Shirlet Johnson and guest, Mona, Wendell Holmes, Sandra Holmes, Lydia Bragan, Pat Hersey, Joyce Hayes, Louise Farrar, Trinket Robertson, Ramona White, Aubine Fox, Robert Betschner, Diane Betschner, and Martha Chapados.

Oakfield Seniors gather
A total of 19 members of the Oakfield senior citizens  met at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile Club for the first meeting in January.
The next meeting will be on Jan. 19 and everyone is welcome.For more information call peggy at 757-8634.Dues for 2011 are due at our next meeting.tThe lords prayer and the salute to the flag led by our leader Bob Locke.The secretary’s and the treasurer’s report was read and accepted.Wanetta Townsend gave the card report..Linda Bartlett from R.S.V.P. would like to have every ones e-mail.Linda wants to have a fund raiser for R.S.V.P. if any one has any ideas let Linda know.attending the meeting were Tessie Barrett, Linda Bartlett, David Burpee, Evelyn and Merle Burpee, Bernice Campbell, Jeanne Clements, Thelma Flowers, Arlene Friel, Mildred Gagnon, Wanetta Townsend, Bob and Delores Locke,Charlot6te and Don Marley, Peggy and Larry Sanders, Geneva Bell,and Katherine Boutlier.

Happy Losers gather
On Jan.5, Happy Losers held its first weekly meeting of 2011. Our leader, Jackie Pratt opened our meeting with our usual pledge and roll call. Eleven ladies weighed in and nine attended our class.
Loretta Bouchard was the loser of the week and Dotty Rand was runner-up. Great job ladies! Our secretary and treasurer gave reports for the week. On Dec. 24, we had our Christmas Party at the Brookside restuarant, followed by our lunch. Everyone enjoyed it. Pratt’s topic was an article on Spice Up Your Diet.
Please feel welcome to our group every Wed.8 to 8:45 a.m. weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information.

Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing
Happy New Year everyone. May 2011 treat you with love and good health.
Barbara Spellman is collecting used Christmas and greeting cards and calendars. If you have any, you can drop them off to her at Apartment 106.
Ken Larson is a patient at Houlton Regional Hospital.
Brenda Belyea observed her birthday on Jan. 5. That same day, she learned her brother had passed. Sympathy and birthday greetings are extended to Brenda.
The weather is unpredictable. Snow, cold, rain and then snow!
It’s good to see Shirley Nason lately. Shirley reports her brother is better.
Paul Armstrong and his bride, Jeanie Hall, were in New Hampshire for the weekend.
Kathryn Hall of Bangor was a Christmas overnight visitor of her mother, Lois Downing.
We welcome Blaine Johnson of Haynesville, who is our newest tenant. May Blaine be happy here and live a long contented life.
Sympathy is sent to Linda Beaulieu in the death of her brother. Linda is a former tenant at Ricker.
The jackpot at Andy’s IGA on North Street is up to almost $2,000. It’s a big win for someone.
My ending thought is: “Light as a feather and quieter than snow, your angel hovers over you throughout your life, engaged in all your concerns.” Have a safe and healthy week.