Ricker Rumblings
by Lois Downing
Snow, snow and more snow. Some people and the shovelers are getting tired of it. So are we. We will have a break soon. Sorry to learn of Emma Sanders’ death a few days ago. Emma was 100 years of age. She was a very nice lady. She lived at Ricker Plaza a few years. Sympathy is extended to her family. God bless you, Emma. You will be missed.
Just a reminder that Barbara Spellman is still collecting used greeting cards. You can leave them at apartment 106 at Ricker or drop them in the mail. Cancelled stamps are used and saved by me, Lois at apartment 108.
Thanks to the snow angels at Ricker Plaza. They are a great help. We have more than one.
The Super Bowl was Sunday. There were lots of parties and watching television. I hope your team won.
Jane Hughes has been confined to the hospital. We missed her. She is back now and recuperating at the home of her mother, Joyce Hughes.
We are having a Valentine social on Valentine’s Day, February 14 at 2 p.m. in the community room. Happy Valentine’s Day to all my friends and relatives. I love you all!
Paul Armstrong and his bride Jeannie have a new dog, a puppy. It’s a very small dog but it is a favorite with a lot of people here.
The month of February is Red Heart month. Please observe all the signs of a heart attack and beware that the signs are different for women than for men.
After our 11 inches of snow on Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 5 and 6, there were many cancellations and postponements.
My Bible verse for the week is: “Your light must shine before others.” (Matthew 5-16)
Have a wonderful week.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly ME 0233, Houlton
By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Feb. 4 meeting.
Joyce Estey was present and conducted the meeting. Reports were given by Lois Downing, secretary, and Joanne Scott, weight recorder. Attending were 13 TOPS and five KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly). Each member recited the TOPS pledges, the Love ‘n TOPS and weight.
The skinny dish was won by Opal LeBlond. Thanks were given to Diane Folsom who filled in as assistant weight recorder. Charlotte Marley distributed copies of “What’s Your Aging IQ” by the National Institute on Aging. Other copies were a calendar from another member and instructions on how to get down from the mountain.
A monthly treasurer’s report was given by Janette Nelson. Loser of the week was Janice Shaw and Margaret Hagerman; runner-up was Joyce Estey.
One of the ladies explained how to get down from the mountain.
Melva Folsom, charm lady, gave the following charms: best loser for October, Linda Bartlett; best loser for November, Janice Shaw; six weeks no gain, Janette Nelson; six weeks no gain, Dale Holden; KOPS in leeway for October and November, Lois Downing, Barbara Grant, Dale Holden, Betty Ivey, Charlotte Marley and Donna Parent. Diane Folsom also received her bracelet for losing five pounds loss.
Each person related her “victory” and how she “got off the mountain.” Each was a different story.
The next meeting is Friday, Feb. 11. If you wish more information on the chapter, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653.
This chapter meets every Friday at 8-8:45 for weigh-in; the meeting starts at 9 o’clock and ends an hour later.
Everybody is welcome. Come and join us and feel better about yourself.
Patten seniors meet
Patten Senior Citizens met on Feb. 1 at Meadowbrook Manor with eight members present.
The Lord’s Prayer was recited by the members before the potluck meal.
The business meeting was opened by President Annette Noyes, who also led the Flag salute.
Secretary and treasurer reports were read and accepted.
A card was signed and sent to Janet Desmond.
A reading was given by Annette Noyes.
The Game was played.
The next meeting will be on Feb. 15. The main item on the menu will be baked beans, made by Jackie Palmer. Mary Lawler will make the birthday cake.
Members present: Annette Noyes, Nettie Shorey, Jackie Palmer, Joyce Harvey, Rubenia Botting, Mary Lawler, Marge Heath and Mary Cox.
Oakfield seniors gather
The Oakfield Senior Citizens met at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile Club for its first meeting in February. The second meeting of January was cancelled due to a snowstorm. The next meeting will be on the Feb. 16. Everyone is welcome for more information call Peggy Sanders at 757-8634.
We had a great lunch and a short bussiness meeting. The secretary’s and the treasure’s report was read and accepted.The card report was given by Wanetta Townsend. Tessie Pratt and Bernice Campbell had birthdays. Bob Locke spoke on the farm food. Each senior will get $50 worth of fresh vegies. and forms
were signed and Bob will turn them in.
Attending the meeting was Tessie Barrett, Linda Bartlett, Hazel Berres, David Burpee, Bernice Campbell, Jeanne Clements, Thelma Flowers, Marie Gillotti, Ursula Levesque, Wanetta Townsend, Bob and Delores Locke, Don and Charlotte Marley, Peggy and Larry Sanders and Geneva Bell.
Monticello seniors hold meeting
A total of seven of the Monticello Senior Citizens met at the rec room at Friendly Village. The Lord’s Prayer and the salute to the flag were led by Geraldine Hoyt. The secretary’s and the treasurer’s report were read and accepted.
Attending the meeting were Elizabeth Cowperthwaite, Cathy Jo Moreau, Caroline McNinch, Geraldine Hoyt, Madeline Faulkner and Joyce Esty. Our visitor was Audrey Weber.
The next meeting will be on Feb. 17 at 11 a.m. It’s a potluck.
For more information, call Cathy Jo Moreau at 538-4480 or Elizabeth Cowperthwaite at 538-9725 or Ida Ricker at 538-9587.
Door prize was won by Joyce Esty and Caroline McNinch. The Valentine cake was made by Caroline McNinch.
The Monticello Senior Citizen Club meets at 11 a.m. every other Thursday at the Friendly Village Recreation Room.
The purpose of the club is to provide interaction through activities that can help improve the quality of life for citizens 50 years and older.
Speaker is Linda Bartlett. Everyone is welcome.