Compiled by Karen Donato
Special to the Pioneer Times
100 Years Ago-Feb. 15, 1911
Aroostook Times
East Hodgdon — George Welton was in this part of the town on Thursday last placing iron ladders on the buildings of H.A. Crane John Grant, Willard Weston and Edward Henderson.
Ludlow — Ingraham Bros. are building a very fine icehouse for their summer supply of ice.
Good fishing — Mr. Beadle Currie and Mr. James Woods of Houlton caught nine fine pickerel at Barker’s Lake on Sunday.
Local — W.A. Purinton, station agent of the B&A Railroad has issued a circular letter to the public carriage drivers, in regard to the of soliciting passengers at the platform. They are instructed to stand back of the chains, as the platform room is limited.
75 Years Ago-Feb. 13, 1936
Houlton Pioneer Times
Pensions — George W. Leadbetter of the Welfare Department of the State of Maine has been spending some time in Washington in preparation for the payment of old age pensions to citizens of Maine under the terms of the Social Security Act passed by the Congress last spring.
Houlton Pioneer Times 1936 File Photo
SPEAKERS NAMED — Ralph Pipes of New Limerick has earned the honor of being named Valedictorian at Ricker Classical Institute and Priscilla Archibald of Monticello will be the Salutatorian for the class of 1936.
Island Falls — To those who have lived in southern states, or in places where the snow fall is never over a few inches, the drifts of 12 or 14 feet are a novelty and to ride through the drifts cut out by plows and tractors, which leave banks higher than some vans or the large trucks, make some interesting news to send to friends in warmer climates.
50 Years Ago- Feb. 16, 1961
Houlton Pioneer Times
Northland Hotel — The Northland Hotel directors were informed Tuesday evening by outgoing president Frank H. Totman of the possibility of the local hotel being sold, if and when a bona fide offer is made.
Bangor bound — The Houlton High Shiretowners under Coach Eugene Lovely defeated Red Barry’s Bangor Rams at the Houlton High School gym, 69-65. The victory assured the high school of a berth next week in the Eastern Maine basketball tournament in class LL.
Chamber meets — Cedric Benn was elected president of the Houlton Chamber of Commerce during the annual meeting. Close to 200 businessmen and their wives attended the banquet session.
Royalty — Gail London was crowned queen of the Ricker Classical Institute Mardis Gras at the Putnam gym and reigning with her, Robert Phillips, both seniors. Hunter Cotton crowned the pair. Pages were Stanley McCain and Carol McBride, both age 6.
25 Years Ago-Feb. 12, 1986
Houlton Pioneer Times
Good citizens — The Lydia Putnam Chapter, DAR, has sent the names of four Good Citizens to the Maine State Organization Chairman, Mrs. Robert Hoffman of Bucksport. The students are Michelle Labossier, East Grand High School, Eric Hanscom, Hodgdon High School, Mary Jane Safran, Houlton High School and Kathy Bryant, Southern Aroostook High School.
Hoop Shoot Champs — Bryan Swallow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Swallow came up a winner at the Elks State Hoop Shoot contest in Lewiston. He competed in the 8- and 9-year-old contest, scoring 22 out of 25. This was the highest score made of all age brackets at the school.
Farmington Dean’s List — Ann Putnam and Carol Bubar of Houlton and Jean Sargent of Bridgewater have made the Dean’s List at UMF.