On Wednesday, January 5, Miss Wannetta Townsend and Mrs. Hazel Bells attended Senior Citizens at the Smokie Hauler Snow Club in Oakfield.
On Saturday, January 8, Mr. & Mrs. Tim Toothaker, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Sprauge and Wannetta Townsend attended the wedding for Mr. & Mrs. Kert McDowell at the Bangor Baptist Church and reception at Hollywood Slots in Bangor.
On Tuesday, January 11, Mrs. Marie Gillotti, Mrs. Sandi Wyman and Miss Wannetta Townsend, along with other Purple Hat Ladies Society, had lunch at Grammie’s Country Inn in Linneus.
On Wednesday, February 2, Mrs. Marie Gillotti, Miss Wannetta Townsend and Mrs. Hazel Bells attended Senior Citizens at the Smoki Hauler Snow Club at Oakfield.
Toni Marie Gillotti of Hodgdon was a weekend guest of her grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Tony Gillotti.
Purple Hat Society
by Lois Downing
Purple Hat ladies met at Taste of China, Military Street, in Houlton for its February meeting, February 10, postponed for two days because of the snowstorm.
Charlotte Marley was present and greeted everyone. Twenty-two ladies were in attendance.
Lois Downing gave the grace before the meal. Each lady gave her Purple Hat name.
“Happy Birthday” was sung to Jackie Colella. She was presented with the Purple Shoe, a monthly gift presented to a different Purple Hat lady each month.
Lois Downing read a story about onions and mayonnaise and bacteria caused by those two items.
A Place to Eat in Oakfield will be the restaurant and place for our March meeting. In April we will host the Red Hat ladies. Some of the ladies will meet at Peggy Sanders’ house for plans regarding this gathering.
We all signed a get well card for Janyce Roy who is in room 330 at Houlton Regional Hospital. Get better, friend.
We were happy to see Everlyn Burpee, who recently had surgery on her shoulder. Nice she could attend.
Charlotte read some Valentine facts. She distributed papers with the words “Valentine Day.” Each lady made words containing the letters in this phrase. Betty Wyman won a prize for the most words. Next month she will bring a story containing those words.
At the close, we brought valentines decorated and deposited in a bag. We each drew a Valentine from the bag and as Charlotte read a story, pertaining to the words left and right, we would go the way the words directed us. We ended up with a nicely decorated Valentine.
Attending from Cary: Jackie Colella and Brenda Lacostic; from Houlton: Lois Downing, Betty Wyman, Paula Wyman; from Littleton, Kay Grass;
Also from Dyer Brook, Wannetta Townsend, Sandy Wyman, Marie Gillotti; from Oakfield, Ursula Levesque, Elaine Barrett, Evelyn Johnston,m Bernice Campbell, Evelyn Burpee, Sandra Holmes, Maureen Bird, Delores Locke;
Also, from Merrill, Arlene Friel; from Smyrna, Peggy Sanders, Charlotte Marley, Cindy Gray; from Island Falls, Mildred Gagnon.
If you want more information about the society, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or any of the other ladies listed above.
The next meeting will be in Oakfield on Tuesday, March 8.