A message for high school kids only

14 years ago

To the editor:
I may be old, but I remember what it was like to be a teenager. I remember last-minute studying for mid-terms, cramming to read a book for a test, dreading having that teacher, the nerves of waiting to be asked to the prom, and standing at the foul line in front of hundreds of people praying to at least hit the rim.
    As adults, it’s easy for us to think that kids have no responsibilities other than to go to school, do homework, eat and sleep. But in reality, there is a lot going on in your lives. Although some of the same problems exist today that did in our day, you have a new set of worries. Some of your parents are laid off. Families are stressed by financial or relationship issues. Although you might have all the gadgets such as cell phones, laptops and iPods, they cannot replace the need for family who can listen to your worries and concerns. Social networking has given you the family and close connections you yearn for, but with that comes new drama and new problems.
There are more diseases and sicknesses to worry about than in my time. Crime is higher. Drugs and alcohol are more available. The cars are faster and if you ever look at the news, everyone is at war against each other and in some cases, against themselves.
At Brave Hearts, we have kids in and out of here all the time. Each time a different face walks through our door, we recognize that behind your smiles and laughter that life isn’t easy and maybe someone needs to remember how stressful, scary and tough life is for you too.
To help you through this difficult time in your life, to celebrate your endurance, and encourage you to finish the race strong, Brave Hearts is sponsoring the Call of Duty Youth Conference. This conference on Saturday, March 26 from 3-9 p.m. will feature fun skits, a game show, dinner, resources and information, a concert, ice cream social and many door prizes. This event will be held at the Dyer Brook Church on Route 2, Dyer Brook (next to Southern Aroostook School). Please RSVP to www.braveheartsmaine.org or mking@braveheartsmaine.org.
We are excited at the many prize giveaways we have to offer. We have two tickets to the Boston Red Sox vs. LA Dodgers on May 2nd, a Jason Varitek autographed baseball, a Kendrick Perkins autographed picture, tickets to the Seadogs and Temple Theatre, product donations by Macs Trading Post and American Eagle, food, prizes … and special gifts for the ladies who attend as well!
This event is free and we hope to see hundreds of high school students attend. You need a night off from life’s craziness. We want to spoil you with laughter, food, music, and fun designed especially for you! See you there.

Michele King
Island Falls