Oakfield News
By Peggy Saunders
A total of 17 members and two guests of the Oakfield Senior Citizens met at the Smoki-hauler Snowmobile Club on May 23. Our leader Bob Locke was back with us. We were glad to see him and Delores back.
We had a potluck lunch. Bob led us in the Lord’s Prayer and the flag salute. Delores gave the treasurer’s report and the secretary gave hers. They were both accepted. Wanetta gave the card report. We had the three Dollys skit, with three “Dolly Partons.” They were Charlotte Marley, Lois Downing and Barbra Grant. Lois and Barbara are from Houlton. Thank you all and come back again.
Attending were Tessie Barrett, Geneva Bell, Kathleen Boutlier, David Burpee, Bernice Campbell, Martha Chapados, Roger and Shirley Ethier, Thelma Flowers, Arlene Friel, Mildred Gagnon, Marie Gillotti, Ursula Levesque, Bob and Delores Locke, Don and Charlotte Marley, Larry and Peggy Sanders, Wanetta Townsend and George Barrows.
Island Falls News
Roger Webb has returned home from a three weeks stay in S. Carolina where he visited with brother Gary, and wife, Andrea and also sister, Gail (Webb) Davis. While there he attended the wedding of his nephew, Chris Webb, and also did a lot of touring the area, and also visited a large zoo in Columbia, S. Carolina. On his return he was accompanied with brother, Gary, who spent a week here in Island Falls renewing old acquaintences before returning home.Mr. and Mrs Martin Pankrantz have returned from their home in Manhattan, Kansas , to their cottage on Pleasant Pond, where they will spend the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Webb have been recent supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shields at their summer home at Shin Pond.
I have been doing a pile of mowing lately, since the rain has apparently stopped for awhile. Grass had grown pretty high but have it all under control now and my lawns look neat and tidy. The black flies are sure in attendance now and it has been a battle to get out and fight them off while mowing and planting in my flower gardens. Have finally stopped putting out much sunflower seeds. Wonder how the gray squirrel likes that – they were always the first to get at the feeders after I filled them – and now their handouts are greatly diminished. Have an occcasional gold finch and chickadee and nuthatch around so keep a minimal supply for them. Do have hummingbirds, tho, and plan to buy a new feeder for them soon. About ten days ago had the good luck to see a young deer having a great time running about in my back lawn and then stopping to graze some. Am sure his mother was somewhere around keeping an eye on him as he finally wandered off into the woods.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly ME 0233, Houlton
by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, May 25 meeting.
Seventeen members were in attendance, five of these members were KOPS, (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly); Diane Folsom was present and led the meeting.
Reports were given by Joanne Scott, and Brenda Lacostic gave the secretary’s minutes. Charlotte Marley gave a review of the contest, ‘’How does your garden grow?’’ Joanne Scott was the TOPS winner and Diane Folsom was the KOPS winner. It was the last week of the contest.
Loser of the week was Shirley Ethier and Diane Folsom; runner-up was Janette Nelson. The skinny dish was awarded to Marcia Reed.
Diane announced June 2 is a workshop in Caribou, at the American Legion Hall starting at 9:30. Plans were made for the members to attend. Charlotte made a new food diary.
Leader Diane then led us in a Bingo game; she gave us questions regarding fructose, Vitamin C, calories and the winners were Barbara Whited, Betty Ivey and Charlotte Marley. Each received a piece of fruit.
The next meeting is June 1. The meeting starts at 9 o’clock after weigh-in at 8-8:45 every Friday morning. If you need more information about the chapter, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653. Come, enjoy, get weighed and you’ll be glad you did.