Danforth Summerfest celebrates the 1950s

13 years ago

   DANFORTH, Maine — The sock-hopping 1950s were alive and well in Danforth over the weekend as the town celebrated its annual Summerfest
“The day went very well,” said event organizer April Doane. “We had about 13 merchandise and food vendors, fresh squeezed lemonade stands and much more.”
    Winners in the various contests held throughout the weekend were: parade, the Potter Family; egg toss, Pat Cowger and Eric Young; hula hoop contest (three-way tie) Adria Doane, Kianna Cassie and Jordyn Cowger; boot toss, Kyle Gilman; pie eating contest, Mavis Potter’s granddaughter and Ryleigh Gilman; soda chugging, Thomas Gilman and Billy Apgar.
Giant Prize giveaway winners of $100 Walmart gift cards were April Doane, Alison (last name unavailable) from N.H., and Rolande Craven. Veronica Crone won the flat screen TV. Ninetendo DSI winners were Brady McEwen and Audrey Adams; digital camera was Holly Dicker; Ipod touch, Cindy Doane; bike winners were Haliegh Shay and Sharon Batchler; and DVD player, Ashley Langill.
Pageant winners were: Little Mr. and Ms. Faith Lindsay and Collin Osnoe; Tween Ms. Runnerup Alexis Austin and Tween Ms. Summerfest Bethany Lindsey.