Oakfield Senior Citzens met on Sept. 5 for their first meeting in September at the Smoki-Haulers Snoclub in Oakfield with 23 members and guests attending. After lunch Bob Locke conducted the short business meeting. We discovered the US flag was missing, but were able to find it and return it to its home on the wall and then recited our Flag Salute followed by the Lord’s Prayer.
Kathleen Boutilier was the winner of the 50/50. Happy birthday was sung to Jeanne Clements. Delores Locke reported that our Auction held last month was very successful.
Secretary and Treasurer reports were read and accepted. After a lengthy discussion about our upcoming fall trip it was decided that we would go on Sept. 29 to St. Agatha and have lunch at the Riverview Restraunt with stops to shop along the way. We will meet at 9 a.m. at the Community Center in Oakfield.
Attending were:Tessie Barrett, Lilnda Bartlett, Hazel Beers, Geneva Bell, Kathleen Boutilier, Bernice Campbell, Martha Chapados, Jeanne Clements, Arlene Friel, Mildred Gagnon, Marie Gillotti, Rick Camari, Sandra Holmes, Mary Lawler, Bob Locke, Delores Locke, Charlotte Marley, Don Marley, Doreen Messina, Joe Messina, Sharon Waznis, Earl Doughty, Lottie Doughty.
The next meeting will be on Sept. 19, 2012 in Oakfield. Come and join us on the first and third Wednesays each month. For more info call Delores Locke at 757-8478.
Red Hat Society
by Barbara Grant
The Houlton Border Belles of the Red Hat Society recently enjoyed bringing history back to life when we presented a showing of “Aprons From The Attic and Today” during the Potato Feast days in August. The display consisted of 147 aprons depicting the many patterns of the good old gingham aprons worn by our grandmothers, fancy holiday seasonal aprons from the 50’s, hefty canvas service aprons from several shops and stores and children’s aprons with matching aprons for their dolls.
We even had a display/history of several Masonic aprons provided by Richard Rhoda. Our afternoon ended with a drawing, which was won by Allison Bossie. The prize was a one-of-a-kind apron designed and created by Red Hatter Lois Morin. Lois is also an accomplished Quilter. Other Red Hatters participating in the success of this event were: Leola Bishop, Pat Chase, Sara Regent, Priscilla Monroe, Irene Jackson, Joan Logan, Elva Coburn, Barbara Grant, and Jean Wiley.
The next gathering will be Sept. 13 at the Taste of China at 12:30 p.m. Please call Barbara Grant (532-2501) if you plan on attending.
Island Falls News
by Riva Hawkes – Phone 463-2483
On Sept. 2 Clayton and Charlene Webb were in Dexter to attend the 60th wedding anniversary Charlene’s sister and husband, Freela and Clayton Lancaster. Friends and family had a really enjoyable time. At the close of the festivities, the Webbs then drove to Dedham where they spent Labor Day with their niece and family, Darlene and Greg Kenny, Matthew, Trey and Shawna, at their cottage on Green Lake. The Webbs returned home on Tuesday after a busy weekend.
Many people in this area had a busy weekend as the festivities of Sherman Old Home Week included a dance, many public suppers and dinners and a big parade. Many local residents were early birds on the first day as the ever-popular pumpkin doughnuts were cooked by 7 a.m. and there was a line all ready to sample them.
It was quite a production as it takes at least 14 ladies to make the dough, roll it out, use the doughnut cutter, then place them in the hot fat. When they are done they are then rolled in sugar and ready for the eager customers.
This year was the 150th birthday of Sherman so it was an extra special three-day affair that was well prepared and enjoyed by the many who attended. Had a great surprise the other evening just as the sun was going down. I had a young deer appear on my back lawn and she stayed there for about 10 minutes grazing calmly away until something caught her attention, don’t know what it was but all a sudden she gave a huge leap and was off into the woods quicker than you could say scat. That makes three times I have had her there so am hoping she will be a steady customer. I haven’t put out any birdseed yet. I will wait until it is cooler, which probably won’t be long. Still have a bevy of crows, who enjoy the bread scraps I throw out once in awhile for them.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly ME 0233 of Houlton met Friday, Sept. 7, at the Aldergate building for its weekly meeting. Diane Folsom, leader, was in attendance.
Seventeen members were weighed; 16 stayed for the meeting. Six were KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly). Reports were given by Joanne Scott and secretary Brenda Lacostic. Loser of the week was Marsha Reed and runner-up was Mildred Gagnon.
The skinny dish was taken home by Lois Downing. Roll call was given and the remainder of the morning was finalizing plans for our workshop. If you need more information about chapter 0233 you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 32-9653. Weigh-in is 8-8:45 every Friday morning; the meeting starts at 9 a.m. and usually lasts an hour. Come, enjoy and take off weight.
We’re into the month of September. Where did August go? September, the ninth month and the aster is the flower and sapphire is the gem! How nice.
The day is humid as it was on Saturday, the eighth day. Some of the leaves on the trees have changed color already so it will be fun to watch the foliage as it unfurls itself. Here’s an item from the Marleys in Smyrna: David with sons Dustin and David Jr. were in Smyrna on Saturday to visit his parents. David and family lives in Old Town.
We miss Barbara Ganem, my neighbor, who moved to another complex nearby. Barbara, if you are reading this, this is a big ‘’Hello.’’
Lavina Byron had a birthday on Saturday. The family held a party for her at her sister’s apartment (Norma Bates). The party was a ‘’whopper,’’ (how’s that word, Lavina?). Glad everyone had such a good time. Jeannie Hall attended a baby shower for her granddaughter Mandy Hall. Mandy is expecting her first in November.
Donnie and Sylvia Thompson recently celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary. Congratulations to both—55 years, what a wonderful accomplishment. The following were visitors of Jeannie Hall and Paul Armstrong for a recent weekend: granddaughter Robin Bashan, grandson Lucas Hasty from Rochester, N.H. and a friend Marilyn Martell from Wakefield, N.H.
Kathryn Hall, daughter of Lois Downing, was a Saturday caller of her mother. On our sick list is Dorothy Weston and Lillian Stairs, both patients at Houlton Regional Hospital. My Bible verse is taken from Luke 6:10: Jesus then said to him, ‘’Stretch out your hand.’’ He did so. Have a wonderful week everybody, be safe and happy.