From our Files: Headlines from 100 years of local news

12 years ago
100 Years Ago-Sept. 11, 1912
Aroostook Times

    Smyrna Mills personals — Maynard Darling of Patten and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Tarbell of this town attended the Fair at Presque Isle last week, making the trip in Mr. Darling’s new touring car.

    Rooms for rent — Under new management, the Elmview Boarding House is offering rates of $1.00 per day, or $4.00 per week. They are only three minutes walk from the Square, located at 54 Court Street, Houlton, W. A. McGowan, proprietor.

75 Years Ago-Sept. 16, 1937
Houlton Pioneer Times

    BPW Club news — Members of the Business and Professional Women’s Club celebrated the 15th anniversary of the organization of the local club with about 25 members and guests attending the supper served. Miss Helen Mitchell was in charge of the supper, being assisted by Miss Lou Brown, Miss Margaret Qualey and Miss Alice Lincoln.

    Houlton High football — An announcement of interest to all local followers of the gridiron sport is that of the Houlton High School football schedule which includes five games and one open date. Lloyd Niles captains the black and white forces this fall with Fred Monohan serving as manager.

50 Years Ago-Sept. 13, 1962
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Dutch Elm disease ruling — An ordinance to preserve elm trees within the town of Houlton and to stop the spread of Dutch Elm disease was given a reading at Monday’s town council meeting. It empowers municipal officials to enter property for the purpose of detecting the disease.

    What’s on TV? — The following Saturday evening shows are listed for viewing on Houlton Channel 3 (WAGM): Frontier Circus, 5 p.m.; Bud Leavitt Show, 6 p.m.; Mr Ed, 6:30 p.m.; The Real McCoys, 7 p.m.; Perry Mason, 7:30 p.m.; Defenders, 8:30 p.m.; Have Gun Will Travel, 9:30 p.m.; Gunsmoke, 10 p.m.; Saturday Night News, 11 p.m. and Movietime, 11:30 p.m.

25 Years Ago-Sept. 16, 1987
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Bluegrass benefit show  — A benefit show is arranged for Saturday evening featuring bluegrass music with several well-known personalities in this field including Fred Pike, Sam Tidwell and the Kennebec Valley Boys, and also our own Cheryl Lovely and Co.

    A road rally for all — Young, old, couples, groups, families and friends are invited to bring you sports cars, sedans, coupes, pickups and vans and take part in the third annual “New World Search Rally” sponsored by the Houlton Chamber or Commerce and local car dealers.

    A representative resigns ‚— With deep regret Rep. Gennette M. Ingraham (aka Mrs. R. Stephen Hawley) submitted her resignation from the Maine House of Representatives in order to join her new husband, Assemblyman R. Stephen Hawley in his home state of New York.


Pioneer Times 1937 file photo

FIRST AIRMAIL TO HOULTON — Governor Lewis O. Barrows headed the delegation of distinguished visitors who greeted the historic arrival of the first airmail plane in Houlton on Sept. 8th. In the picture, from left, are A.D. Neimayer, Newark, N.J., Dept. of Air Commerce; A.L. Rogers, George A. Hall, chairman, Bernard E. Esters, all of Houlton; Harvey F. Law, advisor to Dept. of Air Commerce, Paul F. Collins, president Boston and Maine Airways, K. Lee Everett, Mayor of Woodstock, Miss Etta Smith, assistant postmaster, Mrs. Marita Peabody, Postmaster, Governor Barrows, First Selectman Thomas P. Packard, Congressman Ralph O. Brewster, John F. Dinand, Supt. of Airmail for New England, John C. Young, assistant Supt. of Airmail for the Eastern U.S., Major Nathan McCluer of Caribou and Capt. Lawrence Peabody of Houlton.