Department of Labor offers course on employment law

12 years ago

    PRESQUE ISLE — The Maine Department of Labor has added a new session of its popular free course that educates employers and the public about regulations governing the workplace. The Laws Governing Workplace Rights classes are taught by staff of the Wage and Hour Division of the Bureau of Labor Standards.

    The Aroostook course will be held on Tuesday, July 16, from 9:30 to noon at the Presque Isle Career Center. Although the courses are free, registration is required because seating is limited.
    “There has been a lot of interest from business employers in these free classes,” said Gov. Paul R. LePage. “Understanding the law prevents businesses from making costly mistakes. This class will help Aroostook’s employers save time, money and aggravation when complying with state and federal regulations.”
    This course covers wage and hour laws, including minimum wage, overtime, youth employment, severance pay, equal pay, leave requirements (family medical leave, family sick leave and domestic violence) and break requirements. It also addresses commonly asked employment-related questions, and participants have an opportunity to ask questions. A representative from the Unemployment Tax Division will be present to speak about worker misclassification and the new law in place as of Jan. 1, 2013, regarding the new definition of “independent contractor.” The course will conclude with a representative from the Career Center speaking about the job posting process.
    Commissioner of Labor Jeanne Paquette said, “The department wants to help Maine employers by giving them the answers before we give them the test. This course is designed for small business owners or staff who handle human resources and payroll functions. This is about education, not investigation.”
    To register for this class, call the Department of Labor’s Customer Service Unit at 623-7900 or sign up online at .