Bates Fuel staff advises summer is best time to make improvements to critical heating equipment

12 years ago

BU-CLR-batesfuel-dc2-pt-28GET READY — Even though residents are enjoying the warm temperatures, it will soon be time to turn your attention to fall and winter services. Pete Folsom, right, is ready to deliver for Bates Fuel.
By Gloria Austin

Staff Writer
    In northern Maine, one day could be muggy and humid and in a turn of a week, people can be switching on their furnaces to take the chill off the house, with rainy, cooler temperatures. And then in the fall, again nice warm days turn to cooler nights with a frost.

    Even though the words “it is too hot” has been the catch phrase during the last few weeks, staff at Bates Fuel in Houlton and Sherman want to caution residents not to be caught saying, “it’s so cold, my furnace went out” when the temperatures begin dropping.
    Bates Fuel has full-time service and Karen Rodgerson, manager at the Houlton site, says it is definitely the time to think about cleaning your furnace.
    “When it gets October and November and everyone starts thinking about it, it’s hard to fit everyone in,” she explained. “We have to shut the furnace down so this is the best time of year to be doing those.”
    Bates Fuel service technicians are Mark Hartin and Tim Jacobs. If homeowners need assistance with their furnaces they can call the Bates Fuel office number 532-1166 (Houlton) or 365-4292 (Stacyville). In the winter months, the message machine will have a number for the technician on call — 24/7.
    Bates Fuel delivers from as far south as Benedicta to as far north as Presque Isle, along with all the outskirts.
BU-batesfuel-dc1-pt-28MANAGER — Karen Rodgerson is ready to help customers set up a time for a furnace cleaning or to lock in a price before the cold weather sets in.
    Through the year they have two full-time drivers, Peter Folsom and Dennis Rush; along with a part-time driver, Elery Grant and seasonal driver, John Cummings. Also working in the Stacyville office is Donna Gantnier, along with Rodgerson. In the winter, Holly Ross helps with the Houlton office.
    Again, even though we are experiencing warm weather, homeowners need to think about their fuel tanks for the coming winter and Bates Fuel is offering pre-pay and capped pricing.
    “People can lock in their prices now,” said Rodgerson.
    Pre-pay for No. 2 fuel oil is $3.599 and kerosene is 3.999. The capped budget for No. 2 fuel oil is 3.659 and kerosene is 4.059.
    “Capped pricing is when a person signs a budget contract,” explained Rodgerson. “The price on the contract is the most they will pay if fuel should go way up. It carries a 20 cent a gallon downside protection.”
    So, if fuel oil skyrockets, those with capped pricing aren’t being gouged by the market. However, if fuel oil prices go lower than normal, those with a capped budget will always pay the lower price.
    Senior citizens also get their fuel three cents a gallon less than the market price.
    In 1989, Bates Fuel was started by owner Scott Bates in Stacyville. In April 2003, Bates opened an office in Market Square after the closure of Irving allowed an opening in the market.
    “Business has been good,” said Rodgerson. “We have a lot of good customers. It is difficult with the way the prices have gone with the fluctuation. But, the business has maintained and done well.”
    Driver Peter Folsom said, “We will keep on doing what we are doing. The petroleum business is always up in the air whether it be oil, natural gas, propane, gasoline or diesel. So, we will keep our customer service a priority.”
    Bates Fuel also offers pellets and coal at their Sherman office.
    “We don’t have storage in Houlton,” said Rodgerson, “but, customers can pick up pellets or coal in Stacyville.”
     Bates Fuel is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. In the winter months, the office is open from 8 a.m. to noon.
    “Even though we are a small company, I think there is a big benefit to being a small company,” said Rodgerson. “We have more flexiblity. Scott goal has always been to give the best customer service that he can. That has always been what we have tried to do and I think it has been effective. We have a lot of good customers.”
    Rodgerson noted if someone hasn’t taken a look at Bates Fuel, to check them out.
    “Our prices are competitive,” she said. “We will do what we can to help customers out.”