Garner trophies

11 years ago

Contributed photograph
sp karate cx pt 39Students from Island Falls Branch of Graves Institute of Self Defense were competitiors at the annual Graves Summer Kickoff Tournament at Houlton

High School. Those participating were, from left, front, Sadie Hartt, first place in fighting; Silvia Hartt, sportsmanship medal; Charlotte Hartt, sportsmanship medal; Emily Lane, sportsmanship medal; Dylan Burpee, first place in the power impactor and sportsmanship medal; Nathan Paquette, third in fighting and second-place throwing; Laura Lyons, third in fighting and second in throwing; back, Sensei Buzzy Qualey, instructor; Andy Hartt, first place in fighting; Jenna Rand, second in fighting and third in throwing; Seth Rand, first in fighting and third in throwing; Jonathan Robinson, third in fighting, second in throwing and first in the power impactor for adults; Victoria Heath, first place in fighting and second in throwing; and Sensei Walter Garnett, branch instructor.