Youth basketball
There will be three youth basketball programs offered starting in December.
Little Hoopsters is for grade K and will be held each Saturday, Dec. 7, 14 and 21. Times to choose are 9, 10 or 11 a.m. Cost is $25 per child and Rob Smith will be the instructor. This is an introductory basketball program and the staff will work on fun dribbling and passing skills with a parent demonstration on the last Saturday. Registration is required by Nov. 15.
Tykes Basketball is for grades 1-2 and will begin the week of Dec. 2. Registrations can be dropped off at the rec center until Nov. 15.
Peewee Basketball is for grades 3-4 and will begin the week of Dec. 2. Registrations can be dropped off at the rec center until Nov. 15.
Cardio Pilates
A new session of Cardio Pilates will begin on the week of Nov. 18. Interested participants may call the recreation department at 532-1310 by Nov. 15.
This eight-week class is designed for the beginner or those who want a less strenuous workout, but need to build their strength, stamina and flexibility. It is 45 minutes of light cardio, strength training with hand weights and pilates on the mat. If you haven’t exercised for a while or have physical limitations, check with your physician to see if this class is for you.
Classes will be held each Tuesday and Thursday starting Nov. 19 from 4-4:45 p.m. Instructor is Yvonne Hyman. Cost is $45 for Houlton residents and $65 for non-Houlton residents. Bring a yoga mat and one three-pound weight.
Zumba Fitness
This eight-week class will be held each Tuesday and Thursday starting on Nov. 19 at 6:15 p.m. Lura Griffin is the instructor for this Latin-inspired, dance fitness class. The class format combines fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body in an aerobic/fitness fashion. Cost is $45 for Houlton residents and $65 for non-Houlton residents. Participants should wear sneakers and comfortable clothes.