Homeless sheltered

18 years ago

    PRESQUE ISLE, Maine – The beginning of a new year brought good news for Homeless Services of Aroostook – at least for the month of January.

     In December, Susan Mitchell, executive director of the shelter, indicated the facility was dealing with a shortfall in funds that would result in the reduction of services provided to the homeless. But Mitchell has now received word that funds will be available, through the month of January, to keep the shelter open 24/7, with no immediate cuts in services.

    “The Maine State Housing Authority has guaranteed us enough money to stay open 24/7 through the month of January,” said Mitchell. “I don’t have a dollar figure on what that involves at this time.”

    Mitchell hopes that will give shelter officials time to come up with a plan to raise necessary funds to continue to provide round-the-clock assistance to those in need of a place to stay and a hot meal.

    “We’re hoping this will buy us the time necessary to raise the funds we need to remain a 24/7 facility – at least for the winter months,” said Mitchell.

    The $65,000 shortfall is largely due to the fact that a number of local towns still owe money to the shelter for the homeless for individuals it took in from those communities, dating back to 2005, said Mitchell.

    Anyone interested in making a donation to the shelter can do so by contacting Mitchell at 764-5114 or 764-4125 or send donations to: Homeless Services of Aroostook, PO Box 1753, Presque Isle, ME 04769.