Photos courtesy of Tomi Henderson
A GOSPEL CONCERT was well attended during the ACI/CAHS Reunion on Thursday, July 24. Pictured are members of the Kinney Trio, Common Ground and High Meadow as they sing a final number together.
DURING THE ACI/CAHS Reunion on July 25, the ACI Class of 1953 met at the Mars Hill Snowmobile Club for a delicious dinner catered by Doris Howlett. Pictured are, front from left: Donald Beattie, Ralph Graham, Leah Clayton and Sally Beals. In the middle: Ralph Ford, Jim Wiggins, Joan Boone, Maureen Milliard, Carole Terrell and Avis Ford. In back: Josh Jones, Clair Sylvester, Reginald "Manny" Stairs, Bob Tweedie and Tom Saucier.
THE CAHS CLASS of 1966 gathered on Saturday morning during the ACI/CAHS Reunion activities and looked at memorabilia as well as photos on a computer.
GRAND MARSHALLS of the ACI/CAHS Reunion Parade on Saturday, July 26, were Joe and Veneita Shaw.
SOME ACI CLASS OF 1964 alumni and their families gathered during the ACI/CAHS Reunion activities on July 26. While some are located in Maine, others came from as far away as Canada and Texas for the reunion.
A FLOAT showing “The Way It Was In The 20s and 30s” was part of the ACI/CAHS Reunion Parade on Saturday, July 26.
A VARIETY SHOW was held on Friday night as part of the ACI/CAHS Reunion activities. Mistress of Ceremonies Sam Cousins is pictured with one of the participants, Miss Mars Hill 2008 Michelle Tweedie.
FIREMAN FRED Parsons, a CAHS graduate, cooled off during the ACI/CAHS Reunion Parade on Saturday, July 26.