MAPLETON – During Mapleton Daze in June, the Haystack Historical Society held its Big Jim Cullen look-a-like contest. Cullen was a woodsman who was the last man lynched in the state of Maine. He was lynched in 1873 in the Village of Mapleton. While this episode in the history of Mapleton was indeed tragic, many Mapleton school children in the early 20th century knew the story.
The Haystack Historical Society is presently displaying information on this terrible incident. While there is no picture of Cullen, he was described as a big man, standing more than six feet, three inches tall with a red beard, size 14 boots, and a nasty temper. He was a strong man who handled wood that other men could not.
To draw attention to the historical display of this incident, the Society decided to hold a look-a-like contest. This year, Allen Robertson of Portage won the contest. Dressed as a woodsman, having size 13 boots and sporting a flaming red beard, Robertson was the undisputed winner. Runner-up in second place was the smaller, white bearded Alden Swanson of Mapleton. The Society thanks these men for helping remind people of what could happen when well-meaning people become enraged over the murder of two well-known and liked citizens.
If you would like to learn more about this historical event or more about Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman, the Haystack Historical Society is open every Saturday through the summer. The hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and there is no charge to visit the museum.
Finally, the Haystack Historical Society invites everyone to its annual Baked Ham Dinner and Auction to be held Saturday Sept. 9. Dinner will be served at 5 p.m. and the auction will start at 6:30 p.m. There will be many items and services to be auctioned, which is the major yearly fund-raiser for the museum.
Photo courtesy of Terry Sandusky
THE HAYSTACK HISTORICAL SOCIETY held its Big Jim Cullen look-a-like contest during Mapleton Daze in June. Cullen was a woodsman who was the last man lynched in the state of Maine. He was lynched in 1873 in the Village of Mapleton. Pictured are, from left: Alden Swanson, second runner-up in the look-a-like contest; Allen Robertson, winner; and Diane Pratt, Society president.