PI hockey trains off the ice

16 years ago

    PRESQUE ISLE – The last sport you might think of in July  is hockey. Yet for three weeks in the middle of summer, the Presque Isle High School hockey team completed an intense off-ice strength and conditioning program. The exercises performed by the athletes were tailored to maximize physical strength in preparation for the demands of hockey.

    The goal of the three week sports clinic was to provide the players with safe and effective off-season exercises under the supervision of licensed professionals. During the sessions at County Physical Therapy in Presque Isle, the players learned proper lifting technique, three progressive functional exercise programs and core strengthening exercises to be carried on by the athletes until the hockey season begins.
    Occupational Therapist Adam Simoes, who headed the program in collaboration with Physical Therapist Mark Rossignol, stated, “I was pleased with how the team did. It is my hope that the athletes learned that it does take work and determination, in the off-season to become fit and ultimately perform at high levels.”
    Rossignol added, “Coaches are recognizing that there is a need for pre-season conditioning to both maximize an athlete’s potential and to reduce injury to the young player.”
    County Physical Therapy has been providing sports specific clinics throughout the County over the past several years from their clinics in Presque Isle, Caribou, Houlton, Madawaska and Fort Kent.
    They have offered clinics for soccer, hockey, tennis, skiing, basketball and track.
    Simoes was impressed with the effort by the hockey team.
     “Each of the players made personal improvement within the three weeks of training, and realized that the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is giving that little extra. I look forward to watching the team this year.”


ImageContributed photo
    PRESQUE ISLE HIGH SCHOOL ICE HOCKEY player Isaac Lajoie goes through one of his exercises during a summer, off-ice conditioning program at County Physical Therapy.