Ricker Rumblings

Lois Downing, Special to The County
11 years ago

A hearty hello to everyone. Even though the St. Patrick’s Day celebration is over by the time the paper arrives, we wish you a happy St. Patrick Day and many more. It is also Music in Schools Month, National Craft Month, National Frozen Foods Month, Irish American Heritage Month, Peanut Month, Nutrition Month, Women’s History Month, Red Cross Month, and Social Workers Month.

If you don’t see Robin Chambers for a bit, it is because she is on vacation. Lavina Byron, Gerry Dunn and Norma Bates had a picture on the bulletin board of the three sisters taken several years ago. We all had a laugh about it.
Evelyn Callnan is a patient at Houlton Regional Hospital. We miss you, Evelyn. Have been receiving very annoying phone calls. Calls that when one answers, there is no one on line. What is going on? These calls are very frequent.
We want to wish Ken Thibodeau a warm “hello.” Everybody is talking about the weather. It has been a long, windy and cold winter. Is spring around the corner? We hope so.
As for angels: “Beautiful visions of love, angels float like a wisp of cloud in a never ending clear blue sky casting love upon the earth.” Have a wonderful week, filled with love and good health.