Standing on a sled, sliding down a hill

11 years ago

By Dannica Langlois
Grade 6 Mill Pond School
When I was visiting my aunt, it started to snow. We just had a bunch of sugar, so we were getting annoying. So my aunt got out our ski pants, winter coats, hats, and mittens. Then we put these on, and we wouldn’t stop bouncing. Our ant had to calm us down before we could go outside. Then my other cousins came over, and they just had sugar, too. My aunt had had it. She told my other cousins to get their stuff on, and before we even knew it, we were out the door in a snap!

When we got out there, we were having fun throwing snowballs and sledding. We got a little bored of that, so I came up with an idea. I told them the plan, and that we had to have a sled. Anyway we were having lots of fun. We didn’t even get caught (like we usually do.) Anyway nobody got hurt. Then I came up with standing on the sled and sliding down a hill. That plan was awesome!  We all had to have our own sleds for this one. We didn’t get caught at all, so I said we were fine. Everybody was having an awesome time sledding together. We didn’t do any more fun than that.