Officials with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) have announced that April 18 is the application deadline for agricultural and forestry producers located in the Nickerson Lake Sub-Watershed to apply for financial assistance for conservation practices through the National Water Quality Initiative.
“I am happy that the Nickerson Lake Sub-Watershed located in the Meduxnekeag River Watershed in southern Aroostook County has been selected to participate in this initiative for a third year in a row,” said Juan Hernandez, state conservationist for NRCS in Maine. This Water Quality Initiative is a focused approach in areas facing significant natural resource challenges. When farmers work to improve water quality, they also help provide clean waterways, safe drinking water and healthy habitat for fish and wildlife.”
Using funds from the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, NRCS will provide funding and advice to producers in the Nickerson Lake Sub-Watershed to install conservation practices such as cover crops, filter strips and stream crossings in watersheds with impairments where the federal investment can make a difference to improve water quality.
NRCS accepts applications for financial assistance on a continuous basis throughout the year. However, to be considered for funding in 2014, applications for the National Water Quality Initiative must be received by April 18.
For those interested in applying for this initiative, check with the local NRCS office in Houlton to see if you are located in the Nickerson Lake Sub-Watershed.
They can be reached at 207-532-2087, ext. 3 or visit them at 304 North Street in Houlton.