On April 19, the Island Falls VFW Post 7529 will host its monthly public supper, starting at 5:30 p.m. The menu will be roast pork and baked ham, assorted vegetables and dessert, coffee and tea. All this will be prepared by chef Chief Gray Hawk and his assistants. Proceeds will go the fund that has been started for a new roof for the post home.
The food is always very good and everyone enjoys the fellowship of meeting old and new friends. Charlene Webb had the misfortune to fall at home, but fortunately the only injury was to her left foot, which has been encased in a heavy “boot” to protect it. She is now feeling fine and enjoying being waited on while the foot heals.
During this nice warm spell I have had lots and lots of birds flying in and out of my feeders. I spotted a mourning dove the other day and also a male gold finch with the bright yellow feathers, some different from the drab yellow of the females.
And, of course, I still have the squirrels that seem to think I put the sunflower seeds out just for them. They appear almost by magic each time I put out a supply and then proceed to clean up as many as they can in a short time.
I haven’t seen the woodchuck around lately — maybe he is waiting for more of the snow to disappear before he shows up again. I now have five deer that apparently are living quite close by in my woods. They have a special trail that they have made from the woods to my yard beside the barn. They are now eating whatever new is coming through the ground this time of the year, plus nibbling at the new buds on all the shrubs around. I am still putting out the bread and apples for them and have been able to get quite close to them before they turn and run a short way away while I throw out the goodies to them.