Houlton Council of Catholic Women held its April meeting in the parish center of St. Mary of the Visitation Church on Monday, April 7. President Lynette Dobbs who led the opening prayers opened the meeting and the ladies said a recitation.
Seventeen ladies attended and were welcomed by Lynette. The treasurer’s report was given by Lynette and was figured by Mary Grant, treasurer. Janet Barker thanked everyone who worked on the St. Patrick’s bazaar.
A Mass will be said for recently deceased treasurer Bernette Roach and a votive candle will be reserved in her honor. A survey was given as to whether to say the Rosary at the local nursing homes. An answer will be revealed in the future.
Houlton Council of Catholic Women will supply flowers for the altar at Easter. They will help supply food for the reception for new candidates on April 19 after the Easter Mass. HCCW will supply a sheet cake with names of children receiving First Holy Communion at their reception May 3. Elm Tree Diner will be the site for the end of the year banquet at the end of May. The date will be revealed later.
Rummage sale dates are October 2, 3 and 4 as agreed upon by the ladies. Bunny Tidd won the door prize. There were many prayer requests. Birthdays and anniversaries were noted and some of the celebrants were present. The April committee prepared the food. The next meeting will be May 5.