Island Falls News

Riva Hawkes, Special to The County
11 years ago

Island Falls VFW post 7529 had a very nice pre-Easter public dinner Saturday, April 19. at the post home. Dinner was served at 5:30 to the many who attended and was prepared by chef Chief Gray Hawk and his assistants, Mariette and Cathy.

Proceeds from the dinner will go toward finishing the other half of the post-home roof. Following church services on Easter Sunday, John and Shelly Stevens, Linda Dupuy and I drove to Staceyville where we enjoyed a nice Easter dinner prepared by the Sherman VFW members and their wives. It was very well attended by not only Sherman residents, but by people from Patten and Island Falls. The weather was perfect — very sunny and warm, with a slight breeze. Much better than the snow and cold we have been having.
I am still having a fussing time with the pesky gray squirrels. I have tried hanging my feeders where I thought maybe the squirrels couldn’t get to them, but to no avail. I watched one the other day as he figured out how to get at the seeds, and by Heavens, he finally did. It took a couple of nosedives to the ground before he finally conquered it and ended up with his nose in the sunflower seeds in the feeder.
I try to keep the seeds in the feeders at night so that in the morning the small birds will have their breakfast, but lately the deer have gotten into the feeders at night, so I now plan to go out early in the a.m. to feed the little finch, juncos, wrens and chickadees.
I think I will be happy to see the bird feeding come to an end for the summer. I still have three to five deer appearing in my back yard now that a lot of the snow has gone and they have a good time grazing on whatever is growing now. I still throw out old bread chunks and an apple but will stop that soon, I imagine.