The Island Falls Senior Citizens met at the Island Falls Municipal Building on April 17 with 15 members and two guests present for a delicious potluck dinner.
After the dinner, our business meeting was opened by president Rich Camire. The Flag Salute and Lord’s Prayer followed. The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were presented and accepted.
A discussion on our spring outing was held, and it was decided by general consensus that we would go to the Taste of China restaurant in Houlton. The outing will be on May 1, and we will gather at the parking lot of the municipal building at 11:30 a.m. to leave in a group.
After the meeting adjournment, we played several games of bingo with Edith Dwyer winning a beautiful Easter basket donated by Jeanne Clements.
Members present were Donna Furrow, Donna Baker, Gloria Noyes, Edward Dwyer, Dennis Boone, Verna Boone, Iona Nadeau, Darrell Hartin, Ursula Levesque, Mary Lawler, Edith Dwyer, Rich Camire, Jeanne Clements, Terry Dwyer and Mary Pipes. Guests for lunch were Jeff Brooks and Patti Hartin.