Houlton Council of Catholic Women hold banquet

10 years ago

Houlton Council of Catholic Women held an end-of-the-year banquet in the parish center of St. Mary of the Visitation Church on Monday, May 21.
Lynette Dobbs, president, welcomed the members and moderator Rev. David Raymond, pastor, and Deacons Albert Burleigh and Ron Ouellette.

The tables were decorated in blue tablecloths with vases of various flowers in small pots. Caterer was Cathy Bither and her crew.
Recitation of prayers were said before the meal and then Father Dave offered the grace before the meal. After the meal it was announced that Rosary will be said at Gardiner Nursing Home Facility at 10 a.m. on May 25. All who can make it for this occasion are urged to attend.
Reports were given by treasurer Mary Grant, and secretary Charlene Tabb. Janet Barker thanked all those who helped on recent committees—First Holy Communion, Crowning of the Blessed Mother.
Deacon Al commented that the HCCW was highlighted by another group recently for their HCCW’s work and donations for the Seminarian Fund, and Deacon Ron said the same.
Father Dave presented a gift on behalf of HCCW to Louise Guillette on her recent accomplishment ol Ordo Franciscans Saecularis. We all thanked Louise for the recent task in doing
this and wished her success.
Birthdays and anniversaries for the summer were acknowledged and prayer requests were recognized. A decade of the Rosary was led by Lynette.
Solicitations were taken up for a luncheon for a Sunday afternoon meeting sponsored by Fr. Dave, the subject to be the roof. Attending were Lynette Dobbs, Mary Grant, Jane Mitchell, Jane Stile, Ethel Mersereau, Alta Reardon, Lois Downing, Molly Bailey, Susan Hardy, Rose Levesque,
Bunny Tidd, Polly Hebert, Tammy Blanchette and Kathy Klein, Janet Barker,
Louise Guillette, Fr. Dave, Deacon Al and Deacon Ron.
The annual rummage sale will be in the fall as usual and all who want to work on it will be welcome. Mary Grant won the door prize. The meetings will be resumed in September and will be mentioned in the parish bulletin.