A special thanks to the volunteers who placed the posts for the new Ludlow signs in the rain on Volunteer Day (which coincided with Election Day). Thank you for your cheerful attitude and hard work. Thanks to Dakota, Danielle, Dustin, Emily, JJ, Nason, and Dr. Hannigan. And thank you to Shiloh and Chanan for their volunteer work the weekend of Memorial Day, placing the sign at the cemetery and staining the posts.
These efforts helped the students from the local high schools to fulfill their volunteer and community service requirements. Soon the rest of the signposts will be stained and the signs mounted. The next selectmen’s meeting will be on June 18 at 6 p.m. beginning with a hearing about the Wind Ordinance the Planning Board has been working on. After the hearing this item will be put on the Town Meeting Warrant to be voted on, July 9.