The Woodie Wheaton Land Trust has scheduled speakers and field trips.
The next event is Thursday, July 17, with a canoe Trip to Mud Lake Falls.
Join WWLT board member Steve Keith to paddle from Spednic Lake landing to the Booming Out Ground. Mud Lake Falls is within the 488-acre ecological reserve. Participants bring a canoe or kayak, along with a lunch. Cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children. The trip begins at 9:30 a.m. and participants will meet at the WWLT center.
The second trip is set for Tuesday, July 29 on Crooked Brook Flowage.
Elbridge Cleaves, president of WWLT, leads this trip on Crooked Brook Flowage, a 1,650-acre shallow water lake where wildlife watching opportunities abound. Participants can bring fishing gear along with a canoe or kayak. Guide’s lunch provided. Participants meet at Danforth town landing at 9 a.m. The group will return by 3 p.m. Cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children. Rain date is July 30.
To pre-register for field trips, events and the annual meeting contact Administrative Director Patty Michaud at or call 207 448-3250.