Seventeen ladies were weighed on July 25 when Take Off Pounds Sensibly met for their meeting with Diane Folsom in charge.
Two of the total were KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly). Lois Downing was loser of the week with Barbara Whited as runner-up. Joanne Scott and secretary Cheryl Driscoll gave reports. The skinny dish went to Aileen Smith with the 50/50 going to Diane.
A reminder to the members that we will have a potluck at Janette Nelson’s cottage at Drew’s Lake on Aug. 8. The next meeting will have a sponsor from Shop ‘n Save to give us a program, along with the installation of officers.
A presentation of charms was given by charm lady Barbara Whited as: perfect attendance: Lois Downing, Cheryl Driscoll, Diane Folsom, Mildred Gagnon, Brenda Lacostic, Charlotte Marley, Janette Nelson, Aileen Smith, Barbara Whited and Bessie Wyman. For staying in leeway: Lois Downing, Charlotte Marley and Betty Ivey. Denise Clark was loser for June.
Brenda Wallace sent her regards to all TOPS ladies. Brenda is a former member. Betty Ivey had charge of the program, the subject being old and new breakfasts.
The next meeting will be Aug. 1. Every Friday the chapter meets and weigh-in is 8-8:45 a.m. A meeting begins at 9 and ends an hour later. Come, enjoy and take off weight.