Beautiful fall weather is upon us at VaJoWa! We are looking forward to not only some great golf but spectacular foliage!
The Pairs and Spares Scramble held on Sunday, Sept. 7, winners were: 1. April Bates, Sara Douglas, Stu Kelley and John Porter, 35; 2. Carol Blood, Greg Douglas, Goldie Gushee and Ted Pettingill, 35; and 3. Ricky Bates, Becky Kelley, Terry Pettingill and Ralph Powers, 35. Places were determined by handicap holes.
Please feel free to join us at 3 p.m. every Sunday with a $2.50 per person entry fee.
The winners of our Twilight League for the second year in a row were Jon Smallwood and Stu Kelley. The final 18-hole playoff against the team of Pete Lawlor and Tom Ryan resulted in a two-stroke win by the incumbent team. Congrats and thank you to all who participated.
The first Ladies Luau Golf Invitational will be on Wednesday, Sept. 17. A continental breakfast will be available from 9-10 a.m., with a 10 a.m. shotgun start. This will be a scramble format with an entry fee of $40 per non-member and $35 per member. Fee includes: green fees, carts, breakfast, dinner after golf and prizes (bring a bag lunch or order one from the restaurant). Please mail entry fee and handicaps to: VaJoWa Golf Course, 142 Walker Settlement Rd, Island Falls, ME 04747 Deadline is September 11. No late entries please.
Call 207-463-2128 for more information.