TOPS Group meets

10 years ago

Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 0233, met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Sept. 12, meeting. Fifteen ladies were weighed with three of this number being KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly).

Diane Folsom had charge of the meeting in place of leader Betty Wyman who was out of state. Losers of the week were Millie Gagnon and Marsha Reed with runner-up Joanne Scott. The 50/50 drawing went to Diane and the winner of the skinny dish was Barbara Whited.
The program for today was in charge of Janette Nelson, subject being the heart and what to do in case of a possible heart attack. Questions and answers from many followed. Each lady was given a challenge for a week, to give up an item that one thinks she cannot do without. Our speaker for the next meeting will be Sara Smith, a health-dietician who has spoken to us many times recently.
If you need more information about the chapter, you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483. Chapter 0233 meets every Friday; weigh-in is 8-8:45 a.m., a meeting starts at 9 a.m. and usually lasts an hour. Come, enjoy and take off weight.