Catholic Women congregate

10 years ago

Houlton Council of Catholic Women met in the parish center for its Christmas party and meeting Monday, Dec. 2. A good number of ladies were present with Lynette Dobbs, president, presiding and Deacon Albert Burleigh serving as moderator.

Dobbs led us with opening prayers and a welcome was extended to all members.  Mary Grant gave us the treasury’s report and correspondence was read. Alta Reardon, who delivered items donated to the animal shelters last month by Houlton Council of Catholic Women, said it was appreciated.
The Giving Tree was discussed. Anita Levesque reported all the tables for the Christmas Bazaar were rented and if anyone wanted to donate hot dogs, rolls or anything for the food booth, it would be welcome. Kimberly Levesque is going to Sumter, S.C., to help with Habitat for Humanity. Houlton Council of Catholic Women will help sponsor Kim with her expenses.
Charlene Tabb will be representative for the Knights of Columbus meeting Jan. 5. It will be posted in the church bulletin.
Susan Hardy thanked everyone who helped during the time of her deceased brother a few weeks ago. A list of prayers were offered for the deceased and sick of the parish and community. Lynette closed the meeting and the ladies enjoyed a Yankee Swap as part of their celebration. The next meeting will be Monday, Jan. 5, 2015.