HOULTON — The Community Living Association has a long history in the Houlton community. In 1967 a small group of educators and parents of people with developmental disabilities organized a training program in a church basement, funded with money raised in the community.
Contributed photo/Michael Clark
GUEST — Rob Moran, executive director of Community Living Association, was the guest speaker at a recent meeting of the Houlton Rotary Club. Taking part are, from left, Amy Hocking, club president; Moran; and Rotarian Rob Faulkner.
Initially, this private, non-profit organization was incorporated as the Southern Aroostook Association for Retarded Children (SAARC). Since 1967 CLA has grown from a small nonprofit group employing one person to the second largest employer in the town of Houlton. The number of people with developmental disabilities served by this association has also grown. The services have expanded with the needs and desires of the people they serve. Funding sources have often required many changes as is in their current state; however, through the years the number one priority has and will always be the best interest of those they serve.
The current services that are being provided by CLA are: community support, supported employment, community case management, residential homes, assisted living homes and supported living homes. They also have a training enhancement center in which they offer many trainings to their employees as well as other community members.
For information visit their website at www.cla.org.