The Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 0233 of Houlton, met at the Aldergate building behind the Wesleyan Church on Kelleran St. for its Friday Jan. 3, meeting. There were 11 members with 2 of this number being KOPS, (Keep off Pounds sensibly).
Betty Wyman led the meeting. The person who lost the most weight this week was Marsha Reed. The runner up was Charlotte Marley.
The skinny dish was won by Betty Ivy and the 50/50 was won by Milly Gagnon.
The program was on the importance of calcium in the diet and how walking and weight bearing exercises are very beneficial to help build bone mass.
Start this new year out by joining us in this support group, all are welcome.
Meetings are held every Friday morning. Weigh in is from 8 to 8:45. There is a new program topic every week and the meetings are very encouraging in supporting your weight loss goals.
The dues are $2 per week.