Maliseets chief clarifies position on commercial production of marijuana

10 years ago

To the editor:
We are writing today to respond to an article that was published in the Portland Press Herald on March 16, 2015 in reference to the Maliseet Indians being interested in the commercial production of marijuana. The Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians are in no way interested in developing any such business. The Tribal Chief and Council are dedicated to creating economic opportunities, however this is not an opportunity that has been or will be considered under the current administration.

Cultural practices include the utilization of a number of natural herbs and plants, but marijuana is not one of those options. HBMI has focused its efforts on educating Tribal enrollment on substance abuse issues and it is the Tribe’s opinion that support of such efforts at this time would be contrary to the efforts of the programs that we currently support.
It is of utmost importance that the public understand that the current Chief and Council were not properly informed or contacted regarding this story and they in no way support these statements. The Tribal Chief, Brenda Commander, is the official spokesperson for the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians and should be consulted on all issues prior to going to print or to broadcast.
To reiterate; the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians is not interested in the agricultural production of marijuana and has never considered this as a development option. Thank you for this opportunity to properly inform the public of our beliefs and practices and please understand we in no way support broadcasts or publications stating anything differently.

Chief Brenda Commander
Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians