Island Falls Senior Citizens met at the Municipal Building on June 4 with 18 members and five guests in attendance. This was a special occasion as we celebrated Helen Sherman’s 101st birthday. The occasion was enhanced with a barbeque of burgers and hot dogs, a wide array of salads, birthday cake and ice cream. The guest of honor was presented with a floral arrangement and a basket of “well wishes” from the club. Rich entertained with a few musical numbers.
After a brief business meeting, The Game was played, with 13 members participating.
Members present were: Paige Coville, Darrell and Sherry Hartin, Marilyn Noyes, Jeanne Clements, Ellie Peck, Rich Camire, Ursula Levesque, Helen Sherman, Louise Butcher, Gladys Corneil, Gloria Noyes, Dennis Boone, Mary Lawler, Edith Dwyer, Verna Boone, Mary Pipes and Terry Dwyer. Guests were: Milford and Camila Smith, Kenney Slauenwhite, Patti Hartin and Jutta Beyer.
Our meetings are the first and third Thursdays of each month, and as always, we are happy to welcome new members.