Island Falls Seniors

9 years ago

The Island Falls Senior Citizens met at the municipal building on July 2 for their bimonthly meeting.
After a generous potluck lunch was enjoyed by all, the meeting was called to order by President Rich Camire. Members discussed what effect new bank changes would have on their accounts, and decided that the treasurer, Jeanne Clements, would research and report at the next meeting.

Rich and his guitar entertained with five musical selections, and after the meeting was adjourned, the group played the game.
Members present were Louise Butcher, Rich Camire, Judy Botting, Ronda Slauenwhite, Helen Sherman, Mary Lawler, Donna Furrow, Verna Boone, Ursula Levesque, Darrell and Sherry Hartin, Donna Baker, Mary Pipes, Ellie Peck, Edith Dwyer, Jeanne Clements and Terry Dwyer.
The next meeting will be held on July 16 with an 11:30 potluck luncheon, and members will play Bingo. As usual, new members are always welcome.