WELCOME — Jane Torres, left, Rotary president, welcomes new member Dana Boardman, along with Amy Hocking, immediate past president.
The Houlton Rotary Club welcomed a new member, Dana Boardman, who was inducted by Leigh Cummings and Amy Hocking on June 29. The group welcomed a second Dana!
New president Jane Torres announced the perfect attendance awards for Leigh Cummings, Amy Hocking, Nancy Ketch (8 years), Frank Thompson (5 years), Dana Delano, Deb Clark, Mike Clark, Forrest Barnes and Paul Callnan.
Hocking conducted the meeting as outgoing president with an idea session. She prompted the group to come up with new ideas for the next year. Some concepts that came forth are based on finding quality speakers with the committee’s guidelines. The speaker committee is comprised of Julie Delano, Scott Dionne and Matt Nightingale. One suggestion is reintroducing “classification” in which the speaker is a member of the Houlton Rotary Club and shares their work life with the group, a kind of “get to know you better” sharing.
Fred Grant mentioned the explosion in new members and learning about the new skill sets of new members being offered. Cummings mentioned some of the rewording of Rotary songs and phrases to incorporate women in the membership. D. Delano suggested the idea of bringing your children to lunch. Thompson suggested a community art show, like a side walk show partnering with SACAP.
There are upcoming events for Rotarians to get out and volunteer. On July 16 there will be the balloon event during the band concert at Monument Park. Wings and Wheels is coming up and Torrres can sign up volunteers.