Take Off Pounds Sensibly, chapter 0233, met for its July 18 meeting at the Aldergate building on Kelleran St.
There were 12 TOPS and two KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly) members attending.
Congratulations went out to the two new KOPS members Barbara Grant and Betty Ivy. We are very proud of you for this accomplishment. They have reached their weight loss goal, which is very encouraging for the rest of us.
The best weight loss for the week was P.R., our new member, who was welcomed to the group. The runner-up was Barbara W. The skinny dish went to Opal, and the 50/50 to Brenda.
Denise Scott did the program on helpful ways to cut down on eating.
Meetings are held every Friday morning. Weigh-in is from 8-8:45 and the meeting starts at 9. Dues are 1.00 per week. All are welcome to join for friendly, encouraging and informative programs.
The chapter also met July 31, with 14 TOPS members and three from KOPS in attendance.
The best weight loss was P.R. and runner-up was Cheryl Driscoll.
The program was on ways to help each other with weight loss. Charms were given for weight loss success.
The 50/50 prize went to Betty Wyman, and the skinny dish went to C.J.
Members were reminded of the installation of new officers to take place Aug. 7.