Oakfield Senior Citizens
The Oakfield Senior Citizens met on Oct. 21 at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile Club for their last meeting in October.
With lots of pumpkins and Halloween decorations to celebrate the fall season, the members enjoyed a potluck luncheon before calling the business meeting to order.
The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted. October birthdays were recognized.
It was announced that more coupons are needed for the project that a member is participating in.
Attending were: Geneva Bell, Verna Boone, Ursula Levesque, Bob and Delores Locke, Bernice Campbell, Mildred Gagnon, Earl and Lottie Doughty, Jeanne Clements, Marie Gillotti, Don and Charlotte Marley and guest Eleanor Peck.
The next meeting will be Nov. 4. Please bring in nonperishable food to be donated to a local food pantry.
For more info about Oakfield Senior Citizens please call Delores Locke at 757-8478.
Island Falls notes
On Oct. 17 Marion Hoar, Riva, Shelly Stevens and Barbara Pelletier were volunteers at the Upper Room in Sherman.
Despite the snow that had fallen earlier in the morning the ride over to Sherman from Island Falls was not too bad and all were there safely to open the doors for business. And business was very brisk, also, most of the day as many customers were still looking for warm winter clothing and for Halloween costumes, too.
Marsha Pankratz has been a visitor of her parents, Martin and Doris Pankratz, for several days at their home on Pleasant Pond and enjoyed the foliage which was at its peak. She has since returned home to Michigan.
Just a reminder of the Island Falls Craft Fair which will be on Nov. 7 at the municipal building. All available space has been spoken for, and , in fact, there is even a waiting list. This is a very popular fair and is always well attended.
I am still swimming at Vacationland Estates’ pool but the number of ladies who join me there have dwindled down to only two to four at the most. One time this summer there were eight of us and we dubbed ourselves the “Estate Mermaids,” but during the coming of cooler weather our number has dropped considerably. I am sure it will build up again next summer. Meanwhile, the few left still continue to enjoy the pool.
I saw about four or five robins in my backyard the other day, and they were some busy hopping around and finding things to eat. This was before the snow came; I haven’t seen them since and imagine they have left for southern parts.
I did have six deer show up the other afternoon about five o’clock, and at first they were out by my big window, then the next time I looked four of them had traveled to my front lawn and were making their way to the apple tree at the end of my driveway where the apples had fallen during the past month or two. Some of the apples were close to the road, but a brave deer was there eating them as fast as he could, while the others stayed close to the tree. Two more deer came across my front lawn but the appeared to only keep an eye on the deer under the tree and didn’t go near the tree. Finally a car came around the corner and scared them all away and into the woods nearby. There are still some apples there, so they may come back to finish them off.