I know what you’re thinking, yay, a gossip column! Yay, a chance to share some juicy conversation about the neighbors. Oh, how I hate to disappoint you. But I promise you this, we’ll keep it light, we’ll keep it easy, and we’ll keep it entertaining.
What I want to talk to you about is, really, actually, literally, trash. Wait, don’t move on to the obituaries just yet, hear me out. A year ago January, I made a confession — I am a “wannabe” recycler. I’m making another confession, I am a horrible recycler. My husband and I can be seen sneaking into the transfer station in disguise hauling purple bags. Yes, my family generates trash. Yes, we generate too much trash. Yes, we are contributing to the Great American Garbage Patch.
But I didn’t want to be “that person” who indiscriminately purchased coffee in styrofoam cups that take 400 years to break down in landfills, I didn’t want to be “that person” who had no idea the difference between number two plastic and a dixie cup.
So I sent out an appeal to people who might like to get together and help me learn more about recycling. And to my amazement a small army, just enough to make up a perfect sized committee, came forward and thus was formed, drum roll please, “The Houlton Recycle Committee.”
We meet once a month and we talk trash, literally, and the one thing we found out is that there are a lot of people out there who, like me, don’t know a lot about recycling, and would like to do more of it, but they don’t know how, or when, or where.
That’s what this column is going to be for. In the coming weeks we will share with you some helpful hints, tips and discussions about everything from worm farms and the great worm farm escape story, to how to reduce, reuse and recycle around your house. If you could not care less about rinsing out a glass jar and dropping it off at the transfer station, I can’t make you care. So my goal is not to make converts out of the whole world but simply to help those who really want to save the earth for our children to have more information.
This is an introduction so you know what to expect in coming weeks, but in the meantime, I would encourage you to contact me if you have specific questions that we could address for you, and for everybody, in upcoming columns. Send me a private message on Facebook, email me at scruffydogsmom@gmail.com or even a quick email at cldavis@varneyagency.com.
Thank you to The Houlton Pioneer Times for allowing us to share with you, we look forward to the conversations!