Lenentine family gathers

9 years ago

EAST HARTFORD, CT. — The family of Odbur and Mary Lenentine held a family reunion at Ray and Debbie Gratton’s home in East Hartford.

Ray offered a prayer which began a delicious potluck lunch with hot dogs and hamburgers.

The 41 attending held a meeting and decided that family reunions would be held in Connecticut from now on; there are more relatives living there now than in Maine. Canadian relatives did not attend this year; they were missed and the group hopes to see them at the next reunion in 2017.

Those attending enjoyed games, swimming and a raffle with two winners: Dawn Black, formerly of Monticello, and Regan Clancy. Both gave their prize money back to the reunion fund.

The new presidents for the next reunion will be Gary and Debbie Plank.

Attending from Maine were Elva Coburn and Dave Flemington of Houlton.

Attending from Connecticut were Mavis Lenentine, Marge Lenentine, Ray and Debbie Gratton, Rachel and John Devin, Jason Gratton, Bethanie Allison, Judy McNally, Jimmy McNally, Jennifer, Ekijah Valle, Jonathan and Jeremiah Alvarez, Wendell and Joan Hutchinson, Gary and Terry Hutchinson, Dawn Black, Diane and Regan CLancy, Matthew Clancy, Michael Clancy and Taylor Savage, Devin and Kaitlyn Clancy and Kenzlee Clancy, David and Linda Black, Kelly and Kristina Black, Debbie and Gary Plank, Jessica Plank, Justin Plank, and Joseph, Heather, Amanda and Leah Plank.

The next reunion will be held in Connecticut in 2017.