The Houlton Council of Catholic Women met Feb. 1 in the Parish Center for their monthly meeting. There were 14 members present and our moderator, Father David Raymond.
Members brought goodies to pack Valentine bags for shut ins, which were to be delivered by some of the council members. Prayers were recited, followed by a luncheon provided by the February committee. Following the luncheon, Jane Stile, vice-president, conducted the business meeting, in the absence of President Sue Hardy.
Tammy Blanchette, recording secretary, read the minutes from the January meeting. Jane gave the treasurer’s report in the absence of Treasurer Mary Grant. Alta Reardon, corresponding secretary, read the correspondence.
Our new council booklet will be ready for the March meeting. The bylaws committee will meet to begin updating the council bylaws.
The council voted to donate money to the Pregnancy Care Center. We will also hold a shower for the center at our April meeting. This project will be open to the parish, if they wish to donate baby items. A notice will be placed in the bulletin.
Janet Barker gave a report on the planning for the St. Patrick’s Bazaar. The council will donate a bike for a raffle prize. We voted to donate money to a college student, who is going to Florida to help build a house for Habitat for Humanity.
The Lip Therapy for Troops project will continue and members can bring lip balm to our next meeting.
Prayer intentions were gathered. February birthdays and anniversaries were mentioned. The Seminarian basket was available. The door prize was won by Alta. The meeting was adjourned by Jane.
The next meeting will be March 7 at 6 p.m. in the Parish Center. All Catholic ladies are invited to attend.