Hard to justify $3 fax

16 years ago

To the editor:
    I recently went to the Town Hall here in Presque Isle to fax a document that was just one page long. I wound up being charged three dollars, just for that one page. I understand that times are tough and that prices are high everywhere. I also understand that the faxing of documentation is an added service to many places, and I do not expect to use anybody else’s fax machine without paying. Still, I also understand that other places charge less. When Smythe’s IGA was still around, I was never charged more than 50 cents per page to send a fax anywhere in Maine. Other places charge a dollar for this same service. These charges are reasonable. Three dollars, just for one page, is excessive.
    If I had as much money as some people apparently do, I would not need to have anything faxed from the Town Hall, because I would have my own fax machine. There’s money in this area, but most of us who live here aren’t fortunate enough to get our hands on very much of it.
    Put another way, most of us cannot afford to pay three dollars just to fax one page, and most of us don’t understand why we should. I pay quite a bit to Uncle Sam every year, and a big part of everyone’s salary at the Town Office comes (indirectly) from taxpayers like me. Charging three dollars for a local fax that is only one page long is something I can’t justify. One dollar a page should be enough.
    Thank you for taking the time to give this matter a little consideration.

Bert Cloukey
Presque Isle