AUGUSTA — On Wednesday, March 23 and Thursday, March 24, East Grand School students in grades eight and nine visited Augusta as part of the schools Gear Up Grant. A total of 19 students and four chaperones participated in the program.
On Wednesday March 23, the students visited and toured the University of Maine at Augusta, including the state Holocaust Museum, which is located on the campus. Later that afternoon, they participated in two educational programs at the Maine State Museum, which included the Made in Maine Exhibit and the Maine Logging, River Drive and Sawmill Exhibit.
The students then got to tour the museum on their own finding many interesting items including a Civil War Revolver which was given to Joshua Chamberlain by a surrendering Confederate General at the battle of Little Round Top.
On Thursday March 24, the students visited the State House and Maine Legislature as the Guest of Danforth Representative Beth Turner (District 111) and were also hosted by Representatives Roger Sherman (Hodgdon), and East Grand Alums and current Representatives Sheldon Hannington and Ken Fredette.
While in the House of Representatives, the students received a pair of flags that had flown over the state house in honor of the East Grand School. They also were introduced into the official record as guests of the Legislature and stayed to watch a session of the House of Representatives.
East Grand Student Jordyn Cowger was also presented with special legislative sentiments for her accomplishments in American Math Competition.