Aroostook Retired Educators announce summer programs

9 years ago

The Aroostook Retired Educators Association executive board has determined the programs and dates for the 2016 summer meetings. The June 28 meeting will be held at the Meduxnekeag Ramblers Snowmobile Club in Littleton and will feature music selections performed by Chloe Wheeler and a presentation by John Kosinski speaking on the “Stand Up for Students” program.

On July 19, the meeting will be held at Nowland Hall on the campus of the University of Maine at Fort Kent. The program speaker will be John Short, the new president of UMFK.

The Aug. 23, meeting will be held at NMCC’s Edmunds Conference Center. Dayna McCrum, FFA state president, will share her experiences in South Africa. The remembrance service for those educators who have passed during the last year will also be held at this meeting.

The final meeting will be held on Sept. 20, 2016 at the Caribou Inn and Convention Center. A sing-along with Dan Ladner will kick off the last meeting of the year. The speaker will be Mark Shea discussing drug recognition.

All new retirees are encouraged to join AREA. Enjoy renewing old friendships, staying in touch with fellow retired educators, and finding ways to be involved in one of the most important professions in these challenging times. The cost of yearly dues is $7. Each meal costs $14. Registration for each meeting starts at 11 a.m. with the luncheon to follow at noon. The business meeting concludes each day’s activities.