On May 13, there were 13 TOPS and two KOPS members present for the weekly meeting. The loser of the week was Bessie Wyman, and the runner-up and winner of the skinny dish was Brenda Lacostic.
Brenda started a new contest to run for six weeks. Exercise, weight loss and more is included, with a prize at the end.
All did an exercise routine led by Barbara Troy.
Denise Clark gave a program on “Making Your Plate Great,” which suggested using smaller plates, using an exchange program and measuring using the guides given on the sizes of boxes. Other hints were given.
The group meets every Friday at the Aldergate Building on Kelleran Street. Members find it very encouraging for all who are trying to lose a few pounds. Weigh-in is from 7:30-8:30 and the meeting is at 9. All are welcome.
For more information, call Pam Richardson at 538-8760.